Sunday 13 January 2008

Rocket man...

Weather: Wet and mild overnight - daytime overcast about 10C

After yesterday's exertions I decided on an easy day in the garden today. I ordered a wormery from Wiggly Wigglers on line to work in addition to my compost heaps - mainly because in this closed system the worms will eat cooked scraps without attracting rats - and this will reduce the amount of rubbish sent to landfill.

In the vegetable garden I gave the Rocket a hair is pretty hardy and certainly overwinters here. In fact I have been luckier with late sown rocket that then sits in the ground over winter before giving me a spring crop than I have been with a normal spring sowing.

It had however got overgrown and entangled with the leeks next door to it. The frosts in December had made this growth inedible but I could see new shoots coming up from the ground so I took the clippers to it. I hope the new growth is strong enough to resist the frosts still to come - but if we continue with this mild spell I should get a few pickings of this and add it to the Lambs Lettuce I have growing in a pot in the greenhouse for good additions to salads over the next few weeks.
After that I added the remains of one of last year's tomato grow- bags to the active compost heap and a layer of Choisya leaves with the Rocket cuttings. It's all pretty cold and gloopy but will soon get going again in the spring. I hope!


Heather @ Wiggly Wigglers said...

Hi Jane, Thanks for the mention and I hope your wormery has now arrived safely. If you want any tips or advice please don't hesitate to contact us - we are always happy to help.

Heather @ Wiggly Wigglers said...

Hi Jane, Thanks for the mention and I hope that your wormery has arrived safely now. If you want any tips or advice please don't hesitate to contact us - we are always happy to help.