Monday 21 January 2008

Inch by inch...

Weater: Wet and ridiculously warm. 10C at 5.30am. 12C midday. Windy.

The spring bulbs are spurting up with the temperatures having been so unseasonably high over the last couple of days.

Several things spring to mind from my photo...

1) I put the rather less than attractive plastic frame in place yesterday over this particular patch of daffodils because they have huge heavy multi petalled heads that are too heavy for their stems and a frame helps them to stay upright for longer!

2) The photograph shows up the leaves in this bed but I don't usually clear them from here - I'm always amazed how they disappear in the spring under the newly growing plants and rot back back into the soil naturally. There are two arguments to bear in mind here - the leaves act as a mulch and protect the plants from the worst of the weather but they may harbour pests . These leaves are from a William bon Chretien pear tree to the left of the picture.

Decision: I'll leave them for the time being and clean up any big clumps when I give the bed its first weeding in February or March.

3) The Huechera behind the pot is looking in good shape. I should give it a little TLC but cutting back last year's flowering stalks soon.

4) The twiggy stuff behind the daffs is a Weigela and could do with neatening up a bit. Only a bit because it flowers on last years growth.

I always get impatient at this time of year, particularly if the weather is warm. I want to get out there with my clippers and start pruning shrubs that the books say leave til early spring. When is early spring nowadays? I leave that question with you!

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