Friday 4 January 2008

Isn't it a Lovely Day to be Caught in the Rain!

Weather: Wet and misty but warmer about 5C

OK - I saw three snowflakes yesterday. Most disappointing! And today it is miserable out there and my best intentions to get on with some pruning have gone by the board. But there is something I like about being outside in the rain though so - as you can see - I did at least put my boots on.

So, time to get on to one of my main reasons for starting this blog. It is to become my 'garden diary' for reference in future including a photographic record (its amazing what can be done so easily now). I thought I'd start by taking a look to see how the spring bulbs are doing.
The Daffodils are just about an inch high - which makes them a bit later than they have been in recent years which I put down to the fact that we had many more frosts during December than we have had for the last few years.

The snowdrops (left) are only just showing too. I don't know what variety they are as I was given them 'in the green' about 5 years ago. They usually flower in about the middle of the snowdrop season and as ever I am looking forward to them.
The broader leaves in the photo are self seeded primroses which love this garden. We inherited them from the previous owner - both the common wild yellow ones and a dark purple variety. Because they cross promisciously they also appear in all shades in between. I dig plants out every year because they are so prolific!
It's Saturday tomorrow so I should have more time to get outside (I've been stealing time to do this by eating into my podcast editing it's back to Nature's Voice now).

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