Friday 22 February 2008

Blowin' in the wind...

Weather: Mild and breezy. No frost last night. Daytime temperature by 11.00am 10C

After a week or so of sunny frosty weather we're back to dull, mild and windy days. At first I thought my photo of my Hellebores was less than sharp but the slight ghosting you see is as they are tossed in the breeze! They are flowering beautifully at the moment. The plant has been there for the last five years or so on an east facing wall that doesn't get much sun. Why is it that these early spring flowers - like snowdrops - are best viewed lying on the ground because the flowers dangle downwards? If only I had a shady bank at eye level - now that would be a place to plant Hellebores!

Last year I responded to a 'free offer' for three Hellebore plants. They were more at the 'plantlet' stage and I mistreated them somewhat by planting them out in about April and then changing my mind a few months later as to where they should go. So I moved them. They have no more than three leaves each and no sign of flowers - but.....I'm going to move them again this weekend. They are going to the bed I cleared of the huge Choisya a month back, under my crab apple tree. I promise I will take better care of them this year and next year this time....I might even have persuaded them to flower.

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