Thursday 19 June 2008

Midsummer flower power...

Weather: Not brilliant for June - today sunny 21C but blustery. Rain forecast in the next few days.

Harvest in last week: First small Gold Rush courgette, handful of peas, handful of spinach (re growth from cut down perpetual spinach) handful of self seeded oriental greens (not sure what variety). Three lettuces (Tom Thumb and Pablo) and many handfuls of Rocket. Mint, Dill, Chives, Lemon Balm, Bay, Thyme. Two Artichokes.

The photograph features the Rosa Mutabilis my mother gave me for Christmas. It is flowering well although it is rather overshadowed by the Euphorbia (I have cut lots of it back to let some light in). Having found the 'hot' colours of this border rather over the top earlier in the season I am now enjoying the reds and pinks and oranges that are left. It improved when I removed a clump of very strident pink self seeded Valerian. Now the cool greens and the reds that I can see from my kitchen window are a very pleasing mix.

The other pleasing combination at the moment is the lovely white Papaver poppy that was given to me as a cutting from my great uncle's garden. It has been in this spot for several years and it isn't nearly as prolific as its orange cousins but is all the more rewarding for that. These are the only two flowers this season but with the Knautia Macedonica behind it and some self seeded White Campion in front of it I have really enjoyed it this year. I love to grow things that remind me of people and every time I look at this I think of John.
I have just had a birthday and my neice Tash gave me a Nelly Moser clematis which I have just planted. It is a lovely plant and I only hope I can keep it going as I am notoriously bad with clematis. I does however have buds on it and it may even flower this year.
I have put the stones over the roots to give them some shade as that is one of the things I know about clematis! It's been in for more than a week and - dare I say it - it's looking OK so far!

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