Sunday 1 June 2008

June bustin out all over?

Weather: After a bright day yesterday - today started off with rain. 17C.

Harvest this week: 2 Lettuce, 3 portions rocket, basil ( a couple of leaves), parsley, dill, 1 artichoke

I couldn't start the first post in June without a rose! This is a rose that has been in the garden longer than me - it must be well over 20 years old. I don't know its variety and it is never very prolific but there are quite a few buds this year. It is a 'classic' rose shape with a delicate perfume.

The vegetable garden is getting going properly now - but we have had a huge amount of rain over the last week and the slugs (that have been kept at bay by the nematodes) are beginning to emerge. Several leaves and a few shoots of the courgettes have been eaten away. I am hoping the next batch of nematodes will arrive this week as the weather is perfect for introducing what will be the final batch of the season now.

Yesterday I went over the newly opened shady bed that used to house the huge Choisya I removed back in January. The transformation from dark space is going well.

See April 22nd blog for the first planting I did here. The clump of Kashmir White geraniums has made plenty of leaf growth but the flowers (which are already open on the plants in the sun) have still to show. I bought an aquligea called Leprechaun's Gold with variegated foliage and double purple flowers which seem to have settled in well. Last week I bought a white (or rather cream) Camasia which I hope will make a good show next year. A white tradescantia a spiderwort called Innocence is now in its third position in the last three years and I think this is its place because at last it looks really happy! I'm also pleased with the Iris Sibirica that I put there after dividing a clump from a sunnier border - there are several flowers on it.

Final photo for this post is a wide shot of the main sunny borders taken from the same spot as the April 22nd post. I'm not sure the colour scheme is as restful as it could be. The pink Valerian on the left is self seeded - it grows really well round here. I hadn't the heart to take it out and it 'shouts' a little at the orange of the euphorbia (Fire Glow) and the helianthemum (Fire Dragon).
We could really do with some proper sunshine in the next week - although I'm not holding my breath.

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